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Chambliss, Julian C., William Svitavsky, and Thomas Donaldson, eds. Ages of Heroes, Eras of Men: Superheroes and the American Experience. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publ. 2013. 
Added by: joachim (5/21/13, 10:42 AM)   Last edited by: joachim (4/14/18, 3:50 PM)
Resource type: Book
Language: en: English
ID no. (ISBN etc.): 1-44438-4803-4
BibTeX citation key: Chambliss2013
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Categories: General
Keywords: Canada, Collection of essays, Latin America, Superhero, USA
Creators: Chambliss, Donaldson, Svitavsky
Publisher: Cambridge Scholars Publ. (Newcastle upon Tyne)
Views: 13/1385
Ages of Heroes, Eras of Men explores the changing depiction of superheroes from the comic books of the 1930s to the cinematic present. In this anthology, scholars from a variety of disciplines—including history, cultural studies, Latin American studies, film studies, and English—examine the superhero’s cultural history in North America with attention to particular stories and to the historical contexts in which those narratives appeared. Enduring comic book characters from DC and Marvel Comics including Superman, Iron Man, Batman, Wonder Woman and Avengers are examined, along with lesser-known Canadian, Latino, and African-American superheroes. With a sweep of characters ranging from the Pulp Era to recent cinematic adaptations, and employing a variety of analytical frameworks, this collection offers new insights for scholars, students, and fans of the superhero genre.

Table of Contents

Acknowledgements (viii)
Introduction (1)

I. Defending the American Way: The Golden Age of Comics, American Identity, and the Search for Order
1. Julian C. Chambliss and William L. Svitavsky: The Origin of the Superhero: Culture, Race, and Identity in US Popular Culture, 1890–1940 (6)
2. Lance Eaton: A Superhero for the Times: Superman’s Fight against Oppression and Injustice in the 1930s (28)
3. Amanda Murphyao: Heroines in a Time of War: Nelvana of the Northern Lights and Wonder Woman as Symbols of the United States and Canada (40)
4. John Donovan: Cold War in Comics: Clobberin’ Commies and Promoting Nationalism in American Comics (55)
5. Michael Furlong: Gendered Power: Comics, Film, and Sexuality in the United States (92)

II. Crisis of Consensus: The Silver Age, Societal Upheaval, and New Definition of Heroism
6. Antonio S. Thompson: Nationalism and Power: Captain America, Governmental Policy, and the Problem of American Nationalism (106)
7. Thomas C. Donaldson and Shathley Q: “We Must Think Anew” (Superman Goes Boom): The Cultural Ascension of the Baby Boom Generation within the Superman Franchise (121)
8. Thomas C. Donaldson: Ineffectual Lass Among the Legions of Superheroes: The Marginalization and Domestication of Female Superheroes, 1955–1970 (139)
9. William L. Svitavsky: Race, Superheroes, and Identity: “Did You Know He Was Black?” (153)
10. Julian C. Chambliss: Upgrading the Cold War Framework: Iron Man, the Military Industrial Complex, and American Defense (163)

III. The Modern Age: Fall and Rise of the Hero
11. Michael Goebel: Rethinking the American Man: Clark Kent, Superman, and Consumer Masculinity (182)
12. Héctor Fernández L’Hoeste: Superhero for a New Age: Latino Identity in the US Comics Industry (196)
13. Claire Jenkins: Splitting the Nuclear Family?: The Superhero Family in The Incredibles and Sky High (214)
14. Michael J. Lecker: Superhero Fantasy in a Post-9/11 World: Marvel Comics and Army Recruitment (229)
15. Shawn O’Rourke: A Brief Historiography of the Age of Marginalization: The Superhero in the American Mind (241)

Contributors (249)
Index (253)

Added by: joachim  Last edited by: joachim
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