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Priego Ramirez, Ernesto F. "Sarnath Banerjee’s Portrait of the Comics Artist as a Collector." The Comics Grid. Journal of Comics Scholarship. Year One. Ed. Ernesto F. Priego Ramirez. London: The Comics Grid Digital First Editions, 2012. 50–52. 
Added by: joachim (12/26/12, 11:50 AM)   
Resource type: Book Chapter
Language: en: English
BibTeX citation key: PriegoRamirez2012c
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Categories: General
Keywords: "Corridor", Banerjee. Sarnath, Benjamin. Walter, India, Metaisierung
Creators: Priego Ramirez
Publisher: The Comics Grid Digital First Editions (London)
Collection: The Comics Grid. Journal of Comics Scholarship. Year One
Views: 30/1369
Attachments   URLs   http://www.comicsg ... rait_of_collector/
Ernesto Priego looks at a page from Sarnath Banerjee’s Corridor, where the Indian graphic novelist makes a portrait of the comic book artist as collector. The page describes the protagonist’s descent into collecting, integrating the collector’s body in the realm of other physical objects of symbolic value. In this post, Priego reads Banerjee’s page vis a vis Walter Benjamin, in order to discuss the role of collecting as a trope in comics textuality.
Added by: joachim  
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