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Rockler, Naomi R. "Race, Whiteness, “Lightness,” and Relevance: African American and European American Interpretations of Jump Start and The Boondocks." Critical Studies in Media Communication 19. (2002): 398–418. 
Added by: joachim (12/5/12, 2:18 PM)   
Resource type: Journal Article
Language: en: English
Peer reviewed
DOI: 10.1080/07393180216569
BibTeX citation key: Rockler2002
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Categories: General
Keywords: "Jump Start", "The Boondocks", Armstrong. Robb, Ethnicity, McGruder. Aaron, Reception, USA
Creators: Rockler
Collection: Critical Studies in Media Communication
Views: 8/979
African American and European American participants were interviewed about two syndicated comic strips written by and featuring African Americans: Jump Start, a comic strip that portrays African Americans in a normative middle-class family narrative and focuses only occasionally on racial issues, and The Boondocks, a comic strip that focuses frequently on racial issues. The African American groups interpreted the comic strips through the terministic screen of race cognizance, through which racial politics and oppression were highly relevant. Almost all of the European American participants, however, interpreted the comic strips through the terministic screen of Whiteness, through which racial politics and oppression were not relevant.
Added by: joachim  
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