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Moulin, Didier, ed. Couleur directe: Chefs d’œuvres de la nouvelle bande dessinée française. Meisterwerke des neuen französischen Comics. Masterpieces of the new French Comics. Thurn: Edition Kunst der Comics, 1993. 
Added by: joachim (5/27/12, 9:53 AM)   Last edited by: joachim (12/22/19, 10:36 AM)
Resource type: Book
Language: fr: français
ID no. (ISBN etc.): 3-923102-86-0
BibTeX citation key: Moulin1993
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Categories: General
Keywords: Belgium, Collection of essays, Exhibition catalogue, France, Illustrated text, Style
Creators: Moulin
Publisher: Edition Kunst der Comics (Thurn)
Views: 21/1234

Didier Moulin: Préface. Vorwort. Preface (4)

Thierry Groensteen: Couleur directe: la séduction picturale. Direktkolorierung: Verführung durch Bilder. Fully-painted-artwork: Seduction by Images (7/8/10)
Gilbert Lascault: Autour de la couleur directe et affranchie. Von der direkten und befreiten Farbe. About the direct and the liberated colour (72/78/80)
Patrick Gaumer: Bio-bibliographie. Bio-Bibliographie. Bio-bibliography (100)

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