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Aldama, Frederick Luis. A User’s Guide to Postcolonial and Latino Borderland Fiction. Austin: Univ. of Texas Press, 2009. 
Added by: joachim (10/4/10, 4:07 AM)   Last edited by: joachim (7/22/15, 2:28 PM)
Resource type: Book
Language: en: English
BibTeX citation key: Aldama2009
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Categories: General
Keywords: Alternative Comics, Hernandez. Gilbert, Hernandez. Jaime, Latin America, Milestone Comics, Postcolonialism, Superhero, USA
Creators: Aldama
Publisher: Univ. of Texas Press (Austin)
Views: 21/1890
Why are so many people attracted to narrative fiction? How do authors in this genre reframe experiences, people, and environments anchored to the real world without duplicating “real life”? In which ways does fiction differ from reality? What might fictional narrative and reality have in common—if anything?
By analyzing novels such as Arundhati Roy’s The God of Small Things, Amitav Ghosh’s The Glass Palace, Zadie Smith’s White Teeth, and Hari Kunzru’s The Impressionist, along with selected Latino comic books and short fiction, this book explores the peculiarities of the production and reception of postcolonial and Latino borderland fiction. Frederick Luis Aldama uses tools from disciplines such as film studies and cognitive science that allow the reader to establish how a fictional narrative is built, how it functions, and how it defines the boundaries of concepts that appear susceptible to limitless interpretations.
Aldama emphasizes how postcolonial and Latino borderland narrative fiction authors and artists use narrative devices to create their aesthetic blueprints in ways that loosely guide their readers’ imagination and emotion. In A User’s Guide to Postcolonial and Latino Borderland Fiction, he argues that the study of ethnic-identified narrative fiction must acknowledge its active engagement with world narrative fictional genres, storytelling modes, and techniques, as well as the way such fictions work to move their audiences.

Table of Contents

Introduction: Putting the World Back into Postcolonial and Latino Borderland Literature (1)

1. A User’s Guide to Postcolonial and Latino Borderland Fiction (14)
2. Putting the Fiction Back into Arundhati Roy (49)
3. History as Handmaiden to Fiction in Amitav Ghosh (66)
4. Fictional World Making in Zadie Smith and Hari Kunzru (86)
5. This Is Your Brain on Latino Comics (107)
6. Reading the Latino Borderland Short Story (135)

Notes (155)
Works Cited (169)
Index (183)

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