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Deans Halloran, Fiona. "‘Oppose Everything, Propose Nothing’: Influence and Power in the Political Cartoons of Thomas Nast." Drawing the Line. Using Cartoons as Historical Evidence. Eds. Richard Scully and Marian Quartly. Clayton: Monash Univ. ePress, 2009. 
Added by: joachim (2/9/10, 3:28 PM)   Last edited by: joachim (2/12/14, 5:39 PM)
Resource type: Book Chapter
Language: en: English
DOI: 10.2104/dl090003
BibTeX citation key: DeansHalloran2009
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Categories: General
Keywords: Caricature, Nast. Thomas, Politics, Popular culture, Randformen des Comics, USA
Creators: Deans Halloran, Quartly, Scully
Publisher: Monash Univ. ePress (Clayton)
Collection: Drawing the Line. Using Cartoons as Historical Evidence
Views: 46/1541
Attachments   URLs   http://books.publi ... tml/chapter03.html
Thomas Nast was the most famous American cartoonist of the nineteenth century. His work influenced American politics, society, and art. In order to understand, and thus to use, political cartoons, historians need to analyse the relationship of the artist to the public. Does the work cater to public tastes, or lead the public in a direction dictated by the artist? Nast serves as an example of how difficult these questions can be to answer, and how complex the relationship between a cartoonist and his culture can be. This chapter argues that Nast both catered to the public and insisted on independence from it, and that his work should push historians to a much more careful and specific approach toward political cartooning as a form of popular culture.
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