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Grove, Laurence. "Autobiography in Early Bande Dessinée." Belphégor 4. 1 2004. Accessed 4Aug. 2009. <>. 
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Resource type: Web Article
Language: en: English
Peer reviewed
BibTeX citation key: Grove2004
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Categories: General
Keywords: Autobiography
Creators: Grove
Collection: Belphégor
Views: 16/949
Attachments   URLs ... handle/10222/47694
Canonical literary autobiographies such as those of Rousseau, Gide or Sartre, provide an individualised and ambiguous introspective that points to intricate universal traits. Nothing could seem further from the stock third-person buffooneries that are often seen as the hallmark of the early bande dessinée: M. Pencil, Bécassine, Mickey, Pif le Chien … This paper will examine the possibility of a lesser-known counter-trend in the works that saw the development of the BD from the nineteenth century to the immediate post-war period. We will consider early BD autobiography on three levels: ‘true’ (or pseudo-true) autobiography in which the author tells of his own experiences; projected autobiography whereby a first-person narrative creates the effect of autobiography; finally, self-referential creations in which the BD as a form can be seen as manufacturing its own autobiography. The overall aim of the paper is to put such findings in the context of the specificity of the BD's development and ask what they tell us (including what a lack of findings might tell us) about the intrinsic nature of this text/image form.
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