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Vogler, Thomas A. "James Joyce Meets Tank Girl." Cultural Studies of James Joyce. Ed. Brandon R. Kershner. European Joyce Studies. 2003. 189–212. 
Added by: joachim (7/20/09, 1:34 AM)   Last edited by: joachim (3/26/20, 1:13 AM)
Resource type: Book Chapter
Language: en: English
DOI: 10.1163/9789004334380_012
BibTeX citation key: Vogler2003
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Categories: General
Keywords: "Odyssey", "Tank Girl", "Ulysses", Adaptation, Bachtin. Michail M., Classical antiquity, Hewlett. Jamie, Homer, Intermediality, Joyce. James, Literature, Milligan. Peter, Science Fiction, United Kingdom
Creators: Kershner, Vogler
Collection: Cultural Studies of James Joyce
Views: 27/2425
In this article I provide some historical background and context for the enormously popular Tank Girl comics, followed by a critique of the Tank Girl movie. I then focus on a four-issue series of the comic called Tank Girl: The Odyssey, and argue that the series is in part an attempt to recoup some artistic selfrespect after the failure of the movie version. I employ concepts from Bakhtin and comparisons with ancient satyr myths to suggest some universal dimensions of the work, and I provide some detailed comparisons with Joyce’s novel Ulysses and with Homer’s Odyssey, suggesting that the Tank Girl version is a witty parody of both. I end with some reflections on the inevitable commercialization of such a production in our mass media, for which nothing is more beloved than the figure of the defiant cultural rebel.
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