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Harvey, Robert C. Children of the Yellow Kid: The Evolution of the American Comic Strip. Seattle: Univ. of Washington Press, 1999. 
Added by: joachim (7/20/09, 1:30 AM)   Last edited by: joachim (5/17/11, 7:43 PM)
Resource type: Book
Language: en: English
ID no. (ISBN etc.): 0295977787
BibTeX citation key: Harvey1999a
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Categories: General
Keywords: Comic strip, Creative process, Exhibition catalogue, Historical account
Creators: Harvey
Publisher: Univ. of Washington Press (Seattle)
Views: 16/1204
Before Snoopy, before Brenda Starr, there was the Yellow Kid, created by Richard Outcault for the New York World in 1895. With the Yellow Kid (a.k.a. Mickey Dugan), a new narrative medium was created, with multiple panels and speech balloons as defining elements.

Table of Contents

Acknowledgements (7)
Brian Walker: Foreword. The State of the Art (9)

Introduction. Children of the Yellow Kid: The Evolution of the American Comic Strip (15)
1. Origin of a New Species (17)
2. Fine-Tuning the Form and Widening the Focus (33)
3. Continuity: Soap Opera and Adventure and the Advent of the Illustrator (69)
4. Of Infinite Jest: A Gag-a-Day (113)
5. Comics with a Conscience: Satire and Social Commentary (135)

A Brief Bibliography (166)
Richard V. West: Afterword. Comics as Ding an Sich: A Note on Means and Media (169)
Index (173)
Added by: joachim  Last edited by: joachim
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