Christiansen, Hans-Christian. Tegneseriens æstetik. Teori & Æstetik. København: Museum Tusculanum, 2001. Added by: joachim (7/20/09, 1:29 AM) Last edited by: joachim (2/23/13, 3:30 PM) |
Resource type: Book Language: da: dansk ID no. (ISBN etc.): 87-7289-653-1 BibTeX citation key: Christiansen2001 Email resource to friend View all bibliographic details |
Categories: General Keywords: Aesthetics, Film, Intermediality, Semiotics Creators: Christiansen Publisher: Museum Tusculanum (København) |
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Abstract |
[Abstract in English below]
Tegneserier er vores kulturs ældste og mest populære billedfortællende medie, og det er efterhånden også blevet anerkendt som kunstnerisk medium på linje med film, billedkunst og litteratur. Den teoretiske og æstetiske beskrivelse af tegneserien har imidlertid haft trange kår – både i Danmark og udlandet. The comic strip is the oldest and most popular visually narrative media of our culture, and has by degrees gained respect as an artistic media on a par with film, art and literature. A theoretical and aesthetical approach to and description of the genre, however, have been neglected – both in Denmark and abroad. The purpose of Tegneseriens æstetik (The Aesthetics of the Comic Strip) is to shed some light on the special form and the effects of the comic strip through incorporation of recent, scholarly theories on culture and aesthetics. The particularity of the comic strip, its special aesthetics and the media's correlation with other art forms such as photography, art and literature are all subjected to a thorough analysis. Inledning (9) 1. Tegneserieteori (17) 2. Tegneserien: historie og definition (30) 3. Tegneserien som medie (43) 4. Tegneserien som fortælleform (70) 5. Tegneserien: mytologi og mening (124) 6. Tegneserien som kunst (144) Litteraturliste (155) Added by: joachim Last edited by: joachim |