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Penn, David. "How NOT to Be a Zombie: The Walking Dead and Love for the World." Theology, Religion, and Dystopia. Eds. Scott Donahue-Martens and Brandon Simonson. Theology and Pop Culture. Lanham [etc.]: Lexington, 2022. 89–102. 
Added by: joachim (12/20/24, 12:32 PM)   Last edited by: joachim (12/20/24, 12:41 PM)
Resource type: Book Chapter
Language: en: English
DOI: 10.5771/9781978713307-89
BibTeX citation key: Penn2022
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Categories: General
Keywords: "The Walking Dead", Adlard. Charlie, Horror, Kirkman. Robert, Religion, USA
Creators: Donahue-Martens, Penn, Simonson
Publisher: Lexington (Lanham [etc.])
Collection: Theology, Religion, and Dystopia
Views: 35/441
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