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Rocha, James and Mona Rocha. "From Hell as Philosophy: Ripping Through Structural Violence." The Palgrave Handbook of Popular Culture as Philosophy 2023. Accessed 11Jan. 2024. <>. 
Added by: joachim (1/10/24, 12:22 PM)   Last edited by: joachim (1/11/24, 3:36 PM)
Resource type: Web Article
Language: en: English
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-97134-6_93-2
BibTeX citation key: Rocha2023
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Categories: General
Keywords: "From Hell", Campbell. Eddie, Crime comics, Gender, Moore. Alan, United Kingdom, Violence
Creators: Engels, Johnson, Kowalski, Lay, Rocha, Rocha
Publisher: Springer (Cham)
Collection: The Palgrave Handbook of Popular Culture as Philosophy
Views: 34/974
Attachments   URLs ... 3-319-97134-6_93-2
Deep beneath the Jack the Ripper story, Alan Moore and Eddie Campbell use From Hell to argue for a philosophical thesis: Although physical violence and structural violence are quite different, they are also interconnected as each causes the other to worsen. William Gull claims that through the Ripper murders, he has "delivered" the twentieth century, as seen in his premonition of the mundane office place. In other words, Gull believes that the Ripper murders somehow played a foundational role in creating twentieth-century life. This premonition suggests that horrific murders like those of the Ripper make structural violence, such as that found in the contemporary office place through wrongs such as sexual harassment, recede into the background of society where it becomes invisible and taken for granted. As Gull sees his violence as particularly connected to his misogynist worldview, From Hell makes the clearest case for the connection between physical violence and structural violence through the problem of patriarchy.
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