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DeTora, Lisa. "The Quantum Gaze as a Model for Simultaneous Mobilization in Graphic Narrative." Dialogues between Media. Ed. Paul Ferstl. The Many Languages of Comparative Literature. Berlin u. Boston: de Gruyter, 2021. 143–56. 
Added by: joachim (4/20/23, 6:36 AM)   Last edited by: joachim (4/20/23, 6:40 AM)
Resource type: Book Chapter
Language: en: English
BibTeX citation key: DeTora2021a
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Categories: General
Keywords: Form, Reception
Creators: DeTora, Ferstl
Publisher: de Gruyter (Berlin u. Boston)
Collection: Dialogues between Media
Views: 24/1141
This article posits the operation of a “quantum gaze” in twenty-first century graphic novels. This quantum gaze refers to looking relations that change the object of the gaze, drawing on what physicists refer to as the observer effect - the verified fact that systems under continuous observation behave differently than those not under continuous observation. Building on earlier work in feminist film theory, the article suggests that graphic narratives require different modes of looking relations when compared with the fixed, linear, and sequential and time-constrained visual system of film. The graphic novel invites (if not requires) a discontinuous gaze and the management of pages, frames, and interstitial spaces as well as the diegetic space of the narrative. The article considers the possibility for a quantum gaze in graphic narrative.
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