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Cherian, Ajith. "The Value of Comics Journalism in Our Post Truth World." Gnosis Special Issue (2019): 201–13. 
Added by: joachim (10/25/21, 8:18 PM)   
Resource type: Journal Article
Language: en: English
Peer reviewed
BibTeX citation key: Cherian2019
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Categories: General
Keywords: "Palestine", Comics Journalism, Sacco. Joe, USA
Creators: Cherian
Collection: Gnosis Special Issue
Views: 22/1026
This paper argues that truth has often been divided into regimes, primarily into ‘political truth’ and ‘poetic truth’. Yet, in our post-truth world we have witnessed a systematic dismantling of these “regimes of truth” by absolute power. As a counter to post-truth journalism—the misleading, incidental, sensational, exclusive and ephemeral—I will examine the use of ‘poetic truth’—the convergence of historical, systemic and political in everyday life—in Joe Sacco’s comics journalism, particularly his 2001 book Palestine. I will also explore how Sacco’s comics, through the motif of the adventure or ‘blind dates’, envisions truth as more than the sum of its parts which begins in the present.
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