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McKinney, Collin and David F. Richter, eds. Spanish Graphic Narratives: Recent Developments in Sequential Art. Palgrave Studies in Comics and Graphic Novels. New York [etc.]: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020. 
Added by: joachim (12/10/20, 11:37 PM)   Last edited by: joachim (2/14/21, 1:09 PM)
Resource type: Book
Language: en: English
ID no. (ISBN etc.): 978-3-030-56819-1
BibTeX citation key: McKinney2020
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Categories: General
Keywords: Collection of essays, Spain (country)
Creators: McKinney, Richter
Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan (New York [etc.])
Views: 14/632
Spanish Graphic Narratives examines the most recent thematic and critical developments in Spanish sequential art, with essays focusing on comics published in Spain since 2007. Considering Spain’s rich literary history, contentious Civil War (1936–39), oppressive Francisco Franco regime (1939–75), and progressive contemporary politics, both the recent graphic novel production in Spain and the thematic focal points of the essays here are greatly varied. Topics of particular interest include studies on the subject of historical and personal memory; representations of gender, race, and identity; and texts dealing with Spanish customs, traditions, and the current political situation in Spain. These overarching topics share many points of contact one with another, and this interrelationship (as well as the many points of divergence) is illustrative of the uniqueness, diversity, and paradoxes of literary and cultural production in modern-day Spain, thus illuminating our understanding of Spanish national consciousness in the present day.

Table of Contents

Introduction (1)
1. McKinney, Collin (et al.): Graphic Spain: From Aleluyas to the “Second Boom” (3)

I. Memories, Historical and Personal (27)
2. Tahmassian, Lena: Espacios en blanco: Historical Memory, Defeat, and the Comics Imaginary (29)
3. Abad, Fernando Simón: Memory, Amnesia, and Forgetting: Graphic Representations of a Chronic Disease in Twentieth- and Twenty-First-Century Spain (47)
4. Batista, Diego: Recovering the Irrecoverable: “The Memory of What Matters” in Three Works by Paco Roca (67)
5. Richter, David F.: The Persistent Memories of Federico García Lorca: History, Poetry, and Spanish Graphic Narratives (85)

II. Transforming Identities: Race, Gender, Immigration (117)
6. Coleman, Jeffrey K.: Polemic Collision: Race, Immigration, and Gender Violence in Olimpita (119)
7. Collado, Adrián: “I Hate Being Chinese”: Migration, Cultural Identity, and Autobiography in Quan Zhou Wu’s Gazpacho agridulce (139)
8. Murray, N. Michelle: Black and Basque Power: Visualizing Race and Resistance in Black is Beltza (159)
9. McKinney, Collin: Gender, Genre, and Retribution in Rayco Pulido’s Lamia: A Historical Novel for the Present Day (183)
10. Bettaglio, Marina: Maternal Life Writing in Contemporary Spanish Graphic Narratives: From Blog to Book (211)

III. Contemporary Issues (233)
11. López Martín, Alberto: “In This Country, the Past Never Dies”: Superheroes, Democracy, and the Culture of the Spanish Transition in ¡García! (235)
12. DiFrancesco, Maria: The Right to Barcelona: Spectrality, Unbuiltness, and El fantasma de Gaudí (257)
13. Dapena, Xavier: The Post-15M Condition: Liminality and Multitude in Spanish Graphic Narratives (285)

Index (303)

Added by: joachim  Last edited by: joachim
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