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Hale, Michael R. "Eric Shanower and the Visual Mythography of Age of Bronze." Masters of Arts Thesis. University of Texas at Tyler, 2015. 
Added by: joachim (12/1/20, 8:00 PM)   Last edited by: joachim (12/1/20, 8:00 PM)
Resource type: Thesis/Dissertation
Language: en: English
BibTeX citation key: Hale2015
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Categories: General
Keywords: "Age of Bronze", Classical antiquity, Myth, Shanower. Eric, USA
Creators: Hale
Publisher: University of Texas at Tyler (Tyler)
Views: 38/1114
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In his black and white comic called Age of Bronze, Eric Shanower demonstrates how mythography can be joined with the comic book medium to both re-imagine classic myths in new ways as well as to preserve and clarify stories which were not always linked by a unifying author. Shanower focuses on the mythology surrounding the Trojan War as he sorts, edits, and condenses myths from multiple authors so as to be read in a visual fashion. Shanower’s mythographic work is defined distinctly as “visual mythography” in that his method for working with mythic is to visually display the characters alongside complex borders and paneling on the comic pages. Shanower experiments with re-vitalizing some myths through experimental art-horror aesthetics, thus demonstrating his ability to condense and streamline many myths into a compact story which exists across only a few Age of Bronze issues. Further, Shanower makes use of panel border and gutter art across the whole of the Age of Bronze comic so as to distinctly showcase where he intends for some myths to bear less weight on the overall narrative and where he needs others to be showcased in stronger ways. All of Shanower’s art and research ends in the story of the Trojan War being presented in a chronologically and linearly “complete” timeframe with a unified sense of art, character, and chronology.
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