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Amago, Samuel and Matthew J. Marr, eds. Consequential Art: Comics Culture in Contemporary Spain. Toronto Iberic. Toronto, Buffalo, London: Univ. of Toronto Press, 2019. 
Added by: joachim (11/2/19, 5:40 PM)   Last edited by: joachim (11/5/19, 11:52 AM)
Resource type: Book
Language: en: English
DOI: 10.3138/9781487531386
ID no. (ISBN etc.): 978-1-4875-0503-5
BibTeX citation key: Amago2019
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Categories: General
Keywords: Collection of essays, Spain (country)
Creators: Amago, Marr
Publisher: Univ. of Toronto Press (Toronto, Buffalo, London)
Views: 23/1169
Spanish comics have attracted considerable critical attention internationally: dissertations have been written, monographs have been published, and an array of cultural institutions in Spain (the media, publishing houses, bookstores, museums, and archives) have increasingly promoted the pleasures, pertinence, and power of graphic narrative to an ever-expanding readership – all in an area of cultural production that was held, until recently, to be the stuff of child’s play, the unenlightened, or the unsophisticated. This volume takes up the charge of examining how contemporary comics in Spain have confronted questions of cultural legitimacy through serious and timely engagement with diverse themes, forms, and approaches – a collective undertaking that, while keenly in step with transnational theoretical trends, foregrounds local, regional, and national dimensions particular to the late twentieth- and early twenty-first-century Spanish milieu. From memory and history to the economic and the political, and from the body and personal space to mental geography, the essays collected in Consequential Art account for several key ways in which a range of comics practitioners have deployed the image-text connection and alternative methods of seeing to interrogate some of the most significant cultural issues in Spain.

Table of Contents

List of Figures (vii)
Acknowledgments (xi)

1. Samuel Amago and Matthew J. Marr: Comics in Contemporary Spain (3)

Part one: Comics and Historical Memory
2. Samuel Amago: Drawing (on) Spanish History (31)
3. Pedro Pérez del Solar: Comics, History, and Memory in the ’90s: Las memorias de Amorós (65)
4. Xavier Dapena: “Shadows Have No Voice”: Democratic Memory in Felipe Hernández Cava and Federico del Barrio’s El artefacto perverso (1996) and Francisco and Miguel Gallardo’s Un largo silencio (1997) (100)

Part two: Comics and Economic Crisis
5. Matthew J. Marr: Building a Home for Crisis Narrative: Intermediality and Comic(s) Pedagogy in Aleix Saló’s Españistán project (137)
6. Christine M. Martínez: Urban Ecology and Comics Journalism in Jorge Carrión and Sagar Forniés’s Barcelona: Los vagabundos de la chatarra (2015) (164)

Part three: Comics and Personhood
7. Emily Difilippo: Post-op in the Real World: Cancer and Queer Resistance in Isabel Franc and Susanna Martín’s Alicia en un mundo real (2011) (195)
8. Eduardo Ledesma: How to Explain Comics to a Dead Hare: Intertextuality and Crisis in Rosana Antolí’s Neo-surrealist Graphic Novel Pareidolia (2014) (220)

List of contributors (253)
Index (255)

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