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Handley, Rich. Watching Time: The Unauthorized Watchmen Chronology. New York: Hasslein, 2016. 
Added by: joachim (8/28/18, 3:22 AM)   Last edited by: joachim (6/14/19, 11:40 PM)
Resource type: Book
Language: en: English
ID no. (ISBN etc.): 978-0-692-78191-3
BibTeX citation key: Handley2016
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Categories: General
Keywords: "Watchmen", Commentary, Gibbons. Dave, Moore. Alan, United Kingdom, USA
Creators: Handley
Publisher: Hasslein (New York)
Views: 58/818
In 1986, the comic-book world experienced a profound paradigm shift, thanks to writer Alan Moore and artist Dave Gibbons. Gone were the long-held notions that crime-fighters always did the morally right thing for the intellectually right reason, that heroes and villains were rigidly defined constants, that good always prevailed over evil, and that happy endings were a foregone conclusion. In their place, there was Watchmen.
Since the release of Moore’s seminal deconstruction of the superhero genre, others have revisited Watchmen’s dystopian setting in the form of a film adaptation, role-playing books, prequel comics, and multiple video games, all built upon the foundation that Moore and Gibbons laid down thirty years ago. With DC Comics soon to bring Watchmen’s characters into its mainstream continuity, and with a Watchmen TV show reportedly in the works, it's time to reexamine all that has come before.
Rich Handley’s Watching Time: The Unauthorized Watchmen Chronology will bring you:
  • A detailed history encapsulating every known event from all corners of the Watchmen franchise, including not only the comics, games, film, and RPG books, but also viral videos and websites, trading cards, unproduced scripts, and other ancillary sources—including some so obscure you’re likely unaware they even exist.
  • A mini-“crimeline” summarizing the careers of masked crime-fighters and supervillains throughout Watchmen history.
  • A foreword by noted comic book guru Brian Cronin of “Comic Book Legends Revealed” fame, whose thousands of meticulously researched articles have enthralled comics fans for years.
  • A nostalgic essay by Duy Tano, creator of the popular blog The Comics Cube, explaining why Watchmen is simultaneously dated and timeless.
  • And a gallery showcasing nearly 250 covers from the Watchmen comics, trade-paperback collections, DVDs, Blu-rays, reference books, and video games.

Designed both for fans new to Watchmen and for those who can identify Hooded Justice’s parents, Ozymandias’s four islands, Silk Spectre’s favorite crooner, Mothman's family butler, and Rorschach’s breakfast food of choice, Watching Time tells you everything you need to know about Alan Moore’s highly influential and Hugo Award-winning epic.

Table of Contents

Thermodynamic Miracles (vii)

Brian Cronin: How the Clock Was Crafted (ix)

I Watch the Watchmen (xiii)

Abbreviation Key
Under the Hood (xviii)

The Timeline
Part I: A World Without Heroes (Prehistory to 1937) (1)
Part II: Rallying The Minutemen (1938–1939) (25)
Part III: Life During Wartime (1940–1945) (51)
Part IV: A Death in the Family (1946–1955) (67)
Part V: Dawn of the Superman (1956–1960) (91)
Part VI: A New Breed of Crimebusters (1961–1965) (115)
Part VII: The Smartest Man on the Cinder (1966) (143)
Part VIII: All the President’s Men (1967–1970) (169)
Part IX: Who Watches the Watchmen? (1971–1976) (193)
Part X: Keene Interest (1977–1984) (217)
Part XI: A Twist of Veidt (1985) (243)
Part XII: After Midnight (1986 and Beyond) (285)

The Crimeline
A Mini-Chronology of Heroes and Villains (295)

Duy Tano: The Simultaneous Datedness and Timelessness of Watchmen (311)

Works Cited (315)
Cover Gallery (320)

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