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González del Pozo, Jorge. "Ibéroes: Racismo y crítica social en la apropiación españolizada de la estética del superhéroe estadounidense." Romance Studies 32. (2014): 40–56. 
Added by: joachim (3/12/18, 2:26 PM)   Last edited by: joachim (3/12/18, 2:30 PM)
Resource type: Journal Article
Language: es: español
Peer reviewed
DOI: 10.1179/0263990413Z.00000000057
BibTeX citation key: Pozo2014
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Categories: General
Keywords: "Ibéroes", Aguirre. Iñigo, Ethnicity, Parody, Spain (country), Superhero, Tartaglia. Javier
Creators: González del Pozo
Collection: Romance Studies
Views: 23/1165
The comic scene in Spain has been growing since the end of Francisco Franco’s dictatorship in 1975 and has recently become more widely accepted due to (1) the influence of Hollywood films, (2) the interest in Japanese animation and (3) the rise of the graphic novel. Spanish comic books are proliferating through publications, readers and outreach in the public sphere, as well as the mainstream. Ibéroes: La guerra de las rosas (2009) by Iñigo Aguirre and Javier Tartaglia presents a group of characters as national superheroes that struggle against a massive attack from the Chinese collective already living within country’s borders. This article not only analyses the relevance of popular culture, particularly comics, but also aims to unveil racism and other social concerns directly related to immigration, in the configuration of the new Spain. Taking into account these premises and focusing on the presence of Asian immigrants in the country, the study discusses how Ibéroes, in an attempt to create a parody of classic superhero comics, falls into the realm of generic pastiche while depicting a supposedl­y ‘threatened’ Spanish identity.
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