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Langley, Travis, ed. Captain America vs. Iron Man: Freedom, Security, Psychology. New York: Sterling, 2016. 
Added by: joachim (2/17/17, 1:20 PM)   Last edited by: joachim (2/17/17, 5:20 PM)
Resource type: Book
Language: en: English
ID no. (ISBN etc.): 9781454917120
BibTeX citation key: Langley2016
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Categories: General
Keywords: "Captain America", "Iron Man", Collection of essays, Psychology, Superhero, USA
Creators: Langley
Publisher: Sterling (New York)
Views: 53/1203
Freedom vs. security: that is the dilemma explored in our latest entry in the popular psychology series—and two iconic superheroes come to completely opposite conclusions. This provocative collection of 10 essays, edited by acclaimed pop culture writer Travis Langley and with a foreword by the legendary Stan Lee, examines the complex psychological and political choices made by Captain America and Iron Man in the wake of a civil war. Why do they see things so differently? What are their motivations? Who is right? Captain America vs. Iron Man: Freedom, Security, Psychologyanalyzes the polar sides of this debate—national security vs. individual freedoms —exploring how trauma shaped these heroic characters, what it takes to become a superhero, and what role gender plays in one’s ability to resolve conflicts—along with questions of morality, leadership, and teamwork. Fans will find thought-provoking psychological material to discuss for hours.

Table of Contents

Acknowledgments: Our Heros (vii)
Stan Lee: Foreword: The Head! The Heart! The Heroes! (xiii)

Travis Langley: Introduction: The Shield, the Armor, and the Basic Human Dilemma (1)

I. Origins
1. Mara Wood: Moral Decisions in Marvel’s Civil War: States of Hero Development (11)
2. Janina Scarlet and Jenna Busch: Trauma Shapes a Superhero (25)
3. Patrick O'Connor: What It Takes to Be a Superhero (37)
Travis Langley: Depth File I: Id (48)

II. Missions
4. Tommy Cash and Travis Langley: Punching Hitler: Symbols in Red, White, Blue, and Gold (55)
5. E. Paul Zehr and Travis Langley: Training Time Tales with Steven and Anthony: The I/O Psychology of Getting Better and Being Super (65)
6. Alan Kistler and Billy San Juan: Codes of Masculinity: The Road to Conflict (77)
7. Martin Lloyd: Defeating the Genius: General Intelligence vs. Specific Ability (91)
Travis Langley: Depth File II: Ego (102)

III. Ideals
7. Eric D. Wesselmann and J. Scott Jordan: Wild Heroes: The Hard Work of Being “Moral” (111)
8. Alex Langley: A Shield by Any Other Name: The Power of the Prosocial Role Model in a Mask (125)
9. Lara Taylor Kester: Leading the Earth’s Mightiest Heroes (137)
Travis Langley: Depth File III: Superego (148)

Travis Langley: Final Word: Struggle (155)

About the Editor (159)
About the Contributors (161)
Special Contributor (167)
Picture Credits (168)
Index (169)

Added by: joachim  Last edited by: joachim
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