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Ahrens, Jörn. "Imagine Reality: Negotiating Comics along David B.’s Epileptic." European Comic Art 7. (2014): 64–89. 
Added by: joachim (4/4/16, 11:54 AM)   Last edited by: joachim (4/4/16, 11:55 AM)
Resource type: Journal Article
Language: en: English
Peer reviewed
DOI: 10.3167/eca.2014.070204
BibTeX citation key: Ahrens2014
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Categories: General
Keywords: "L’ascension du haut mal", Autobiography, Beauchard. Pierre-François, David B., Dream, France
Creators: Ahrens
Collection: European Comic Art
Views: 45/3106
With Epileptic, French comics artist David B. presents a graphic novel as innovative in style as it is experimental in content. In the foreground, Epileptic is an autobiographical tale about his youth overshadowed by his brother’s suffering from epilepsy, but it is also the illustration of a dream-world. David B. consequently entangles the levels of reality, autobiography and dreamlike fantasy. Emphasised by the interaction of clear graphics with hard black-and-white contrasts and the use of surrealistic and medieval quotations, David B. presents a unique combination of art, narrative and abstraction.
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