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Sharp, Jasper. "Between Dimensions: 3D Computer Generated Animation in Anime." Ga-netchū! The Manga Anime Syndrome. Eds. Hans-Peter Reichmann and Stephan von der Schulenburg. Frankfurt am Main: Deutsches Filmmuseum/Deutsches Filminstitut, 2008. 120–33.   
Added by: joachim 2/15/11, 12:30 PM
Sharp, Jasper. "Between Dimensions: 3D-Computeranimation im Anime." Ga-netchū! Das Manga Anime Syndrom. Eds. Hans-Peter Reichmann and Stephan von der Schulenburg. Frankfurt am Main: Deutsches Filmmuseum/Deutsches Filminstitut, 2008. 120–33.   
Added by: joachim 2/23/11, 4:38 PM
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