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Davis, Rocío G. "A Graphic Self: Comics as autobiography in Marjane Satrapi’s Persepolis." Prose Studies 27. (2005): 264–79.   
Added by: joachim 12/19/11, 12:03 PM
Davis, Rocío G. "Childhood and Ethnic Visibility in Gene Yang’s American Born Chinese." Prose Studies 35. (2013): 7–15.   
Added by: joachim 8/24/13, 1:51 PM
Gilmore, Leigh and Elizabeth Marshall. "Trauma and Young Adult Literature: Representing adolescence and knowledge in David Small’s Stitches: A Memoir." Prose Studies 35. (2013): 16–38.   
Added by: joachim 8/24/13, 1:55 PM
Maguire, Emma. "Potential: Ariel Schrag Contests (Hetero-)Normative Girlhood." Prose Studies 35. (2013): 54–66.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 8/3/18, 11:15 AM
Pearl, Monica B. "Graphic Language: Redrawing the family (romance) in Alison Bechdel's Fun Home." Prose Studies 30. (2008): 286–304.   
Added by: joachim 1/6/10, 3:48 PM
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