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Baetens, Jan and Hugo Frey. "Continued Comics: The New ‘Blake and Mortimer’ as an Example of Continuation in European Series." The Edinburgh Companion to Contemporary Narrative Theories. Eds. Zara Dinnen and Robyn Warhol. Edinburgh Companions to Literature and the Humanities. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2018. 215–26. 
Added by: joachim (19/08/2022, 12:43)   
Resource type: Book Chapter
Language: en: English
DOI: 10.1515/9781474424752-019
BibTeX citation key: Baetens2018d
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Categories: General
Keywords: "Blake et Mortimer", Belgium, Europe, Narratology, Seriality
Creators: Baetens, Dinnen, Frey, Warhol
Publisher: Edinburgh University Press (Edinburgh)
Collection: The Edinburgh Companion to Contemporary Narrative Theories
Views: 22/791
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