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Shen, Lien Fan. Anime Pleasure as a Playground of Sexuality, Power, and Resistance. MiT5, Media in Transition: Creativity, Ownership, and Collaboration in the Digital Age: Cambridge, 27–29 Apr, 2007. 
Added by: joachim (5/16/13, 6:33 PM)   Last edited by: joachim (5/16/13, 10:45 PM)
Resource type: Conference Paper
Language: en: English
BibTeX citation key: Shen2007
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Categories: General
Keywords: "FLCL", "Revolutionary Girl Utena", Animation, Fandom, Japan, Sexuality
Creators: Shen
Publisher: Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Cambridge)
Collection: MiT5, Media in Transition: Creativity, Ownership, and Collaboration in the Digital Age
Views: 40/1464
Attachments   URLs ... Shen_fullPaper.pdf
This paper argues that the pleasure of viewing anime (Japanese animation) enables anime otaku’s playful practices and engenders an imperceptible politics in viewers’ own favor. First, by examining two anime works, Fooly Cooly (2003) and Revolutionary Girl Utena (1999–2001), I argue that anime images embody the pleasure of evasion and the pleasure of transgression as a form of resistance to the regulatory power and the normative sexuality. Further, these evasive and transgressive pleasures empower anime otaku (commonly referring to obsessive fans among English speakers) to go beyond image consumption, actively and constantly changing, manipulating, and subverting anime images in their practices, such as creating amateur manga, peer-to-peer networks and websites, and anime cosplay (costume-roleplay).
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