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Balzer, Jens and Ole Frahm. "Tragik, Schock, Ratlosigkeit: Zeitgeschichte im Comic." Geschichte und Gesellschaft 37. (2011): 47–71. 
Added by: Martin de la Iglesia (9/18/12, 11:15 AM)   Last edited by: joachim (8/6/23, 8:08 AM)
Resource type: Journal Article
Language: de: Deutsch
BibTeX citation key: Balzer2011a
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Categories: General
Keywords: History, History comics, Themes and motives, Trauma, War
Creators: Balzer, Frahm
Collection: Geschichte und Gesellschaft
Views: 44/1816
This essay examines the representation of emotions in comics from the early history of modern comics around 1900 until the present day. It begins by examining the representation of emotions in comic strips from the turn-of-the-century to the 1950s, then presents a close reading of exemplary comic books and graphic novels of the postwar era which depict historical events. Finally, it compares contemporary graphic novels with historico-political subjects, arguing that comics are not limited to comedy and comical subjects. For when dealing with historical items, comics convey emotions connected with impotence, perplexity and grief.
Added by: joachim  
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