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Duke, Sarah. Biographical Sketches of Cartoonists & Illustrators in the Swann Collection of the Library of Congress. Arlington: ComicsDC, 2012. 
Added by: joachim (3/1/12, 11:13 AM)   
Resource type: Book
Language: en: English
BibTeX citation key: Duke2012
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Categories: General
Keywords: Biography, Encyclopedia, Library, USA
Creators: Duke
Publisher: ComicsDC (Arlington)
Views: 26/1039
Inside this book are short biographical sketches about the many artists represented in the Library of Congress’ Swann Collection compiled by Erwin Swann (1906–1973). In the early 1960s, Swann, a New York advertising executive started collecting original cartoon drawings of artistic and humorous interest. Included in the collection are political prints and drawings, satires, caricatures, cartoon strips and panels, and periodical illustrations by more than 500 artists, most of whom are American. The 2,085 items range from 1780–1977, with the bulk falling between 1890–1970. The Collection includes 1,922 drawings, 124 prints, 14 paintings, 13 animation cels, 9 collages, 1 album, 1 photographic print, and 1 scrapbook.
Added by: joachim  
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