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Screech, Matthew. Masters of the Ninth Art: Bandes dessinées and Franco-Belgian Identity. Contemporary French and Francophone Cultures. Liverpool: Liverpool Univ. Press, 2005. 
Added by: joachim (7/20/09, 1:33 AM)   Last edited by: joachim (7/13/11, 10:28 AM)
Resource type: Book
Language: en: English
ID no. (ISBN etc.): 0-85323-938-X
BibTeX citation key: Screech2005a
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Categories: General
Keywords: "Astérix", "Tintin", Belgium, France, Franquin. André, Giraud. Jean, Goscinny. René, Hergé, Moebius, Remi. Georges, Tardi. Jacques, Uderzo. Albert
Creators: Screech
Publisher: Liverpool Univ. Press (Liverpool)
Views: 34/1650
Although virtually unknown in the US and the UK, the bande dessinée is a vitally important aspect of popular culture in France and Belgium, where it is known as ‘the ninth art’. Masters of the Ninth Art offers an introduction to bandes dessinées for English readers, considering examples of the genre from Herge’s Adventures of Tintin (1929) up to the late twentieth century. The strips are considered in terms of plot, style, influences and the wider context of Franco-Belgian culture, and they range from literary parody, gag-humour, westerns and realism to science fiction and historical drama. Screech analyses the work of a variety of artists, some well known to English-speakers such as Goscinny, some less well known such as Jacques Tardi and Marcel Gotlib. Where possible the artists have been interviewed to obtain first-hand reflections on their ideas, methods and influences. Taking national identity to be forged by a nation’s language, history, myths, cultural artefacts and traditions, Masters of the Ninth Art shows how BD artists have established a distinct Franco-Belgian identity, which differs from that of American comics as exemplified by superheroes and the Underground. The bande dessinées follow traditions put in place by French-speaking writers and artists, they make cultural references which would be impossible in the English-speaking world and they are inspired by Franco-Belgian history and current affairs. As a result, the ninth art has become one of Franco-Belgian culture's unique distinguishing characteristics.

Table of Contents

Introduction (1)

Part I: The Bande dessinée Classics
1 Constructing the Franco-Belgian Hero: Hergé’s Adventures de Tintin (17)
2 Creating Ambiguity: André Franquin’s Humorous Strips (52)
3 A Hero For Everyone: René Goscinny’s and Albert Uderzo’s Astérix the Gaul (75)

Part II: Innovation and Renewal
1 A Challenge To Convention: Jean Giraud/Gir/Moebius (95)
2 New Visions of the Past: Jacques Tardi (128)
3 Laughing Together: Humour and Shared Identity (154)
4 Reconstructing the Narrative and After (182)

Conclusion (202)

Notes (208)
Bibliography (230)
Index (244)
Added by: joachim  Last edited by: joachim
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