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Lent, John A. Comic Books and Comic Strips in the United States. An International Bibliography. Bibliographies and Indexes in Popular Culture. Santa Barbara: Greenwood, 1994. 
Added by: joachim (7/20/09, 1:29 AM)   
Resource type: Book
Language: en: English
ID no. (ISBN etc.): 0-313-28211-0
BibTeX citation key: Lent1994a
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Categories: General
Keywords: Bibliography, USA
Creators: Lent
Publisher: Greenwood (Santa Barbara)
Views: 28/1114
Comics have become icons of U.S. popular culture familiar throughout the world. This huge bibliography, one of four compiled by Lent to cover all parts of the world, cites many publications in various writing styles, formats, time periods, and languages. This volume is introduced by famed cartoonists Mort Walker (Beetle Bailey) and Jerry Robinson (The Joker). The genres of comic art have had a phenomenal growth in recent years; the literature has grown with these developments, making this volume of interest to scholars of popular culture and fans alike. Featured are sections on resources, including an annotated directory of 128 comic art-related periodicals; comics collecting; portrayals of comics in movies, television, and radio; and relationships of comics with art, education and children, eroticism, ethnicity, humanism, the professions, violence, and war. Other parts deal with historical, business, legal, and technical aspects of comics. Two hundred and ninety-one comics-related personnel are singled out for special consideration, as well as 143 individual comic strip characters and 48 comic book titles under 13 genres. The foreword by Mort Walker deals with comics over the years and the topic of political correctness, and the introduction by Jerry Robinson gives a history of comic art. The indices are conveniently divided by authors, cartoonists, characters and titles, periodicals, and subjects.
Added by: joachim  
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