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Kempkes, Wolfgang. Bibliographie der internationalen Literatur über Comics. International Bibliography of Comics Literature. 2nd ed. München-Pullach: Dokumentation Saur, 1974. 
Added by: joachim (7/20/09, 1:29 AM)   Last edited by: joachim (1/10/24, 11:57 AM)
Resource type: Book
Language: en: English
ID no. (ISBN etc.): 3-7940-3251-9
BibTeX citation key: Kempkes1974
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Categories: General
Keywords: Bibliography, Comics research
Creators: Kempkes
Publisher: Dokumentation Saur (München-Pullach)
Views: 26/1010
Inhaltsverzeichnis / Table of Contents

Verzeichnis der Abbildungen / List of Illustrations (6)

Einführung (7)
Introduction (12)
Vorwort zur 2. Auflage / Preface to the second Edition (15)

1 Vorläufer und Entwicklungsgeschichte der Comic-Serien / Forerunners and History of Development of Comic Series (19)
2 Die Struktur der Comics / The Structure of Comics (85)
3 Kommerzielle Aspekte der Comics / Commercial Aspects of Comics (105)
4 Die Leserschaft der Comics und ihre Meinung über die Comics / The Readership of Comics and its Opinions (125)
5 Die Wirkungen der Comics / The Effects of Comics (197)
6 Die Verwendung von Comics zu erzieherischen Zwecken / The Use of Comics for Educational Purposes (213)
7 Die Verwendung der Comics in verwandten Aussageformen / The Use of Comics in Related Forms of Expression (231)
8 Juristische und sonstige einschränkende Maßnahmen gegen die Comics / Judicial and other Limiting Measures against Comics (259)

Autorenverzeichnis / Index of Authors (271)


Added by: joachim  Last edited by: joachim
“What should be a comprehensive and useful checklist of secondary data—the International Bibliography of Comics Literature, by Wolfgang Kempkes—is marred by inaccuracies, incomplete data, and inconvenience. The material is divided into eight general categories, such as histories of the development of comics, structure, readership, etc., and then subdivided by country of origin (Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Germany, Finland, France, Great Britain, Italy, Mexico, the Netherlands, Austria, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland, Spain, South Africa, Czechoslovakia, the USSR, and the United States). A subject cross-index in the first edition was inexplicably deleted in the revised edition, thus making it impossible to locate entries on specific artists or comics, the major use for a checklist. The book is, however, the only readily available source of information on criticism published outside the United States to 1974 and illustrates the extent to which the most comprehensive study of American comics has taken place abroad, especially in Italy, France, and Germany, rather than on native shores.” (M. Thomas Inge in Handbook of American Popular Culture, 2nd rev. and enlarged ed., New York/Westport/London: Greenwood Pr., 1989, p. 210.)
Added by: joachim  Last edited by: joachim
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