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Horstkotte, Silke and Nancy Pedri. Experiencing Visual Storyworlds: Focalization in Comics. Theory and Interpretation of Narrative. Columbus: Ohio State Univ. Press, 2022. 
Added by: joachim (12/12/21, 3:50 PM)   Last edited by: joachim (10/24/23, 9:45 AM)
Resource type: Book
Language: en: English
ID no. (ISBN etc.): 978-0-8142-1502-9
BibTeX citation key: Horstkotte2022
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Categories: General
Keywords: Character, Narratology
Creators: Horstkotte, Pedri
Publisher: Ohio State Univ. Press (Columbus)
Views: 11/1831
Experiencing Visual Storyworlds illuminates how comics express what characters and narrators see, think, and feel. Drawing on the narratological concept of focalization, which describes the filtering of a story through the minds of characters and narrators, Silke Horstkotte and Nancy Pedri analyze comics from a range of genres, including graphic memoir, graphic historiography, silent comics, and metafictional comics. Through a series of close readings—including Jason Lutes’s Berlin, Charles Burns’s Black Hole, Ellen Forney’s Marbles, Eric Drooker’s Flood!, and Craig Thompson’s Habibi—Horstkotte and Pedri argue that the visual form of comics storytelling is uniquely suited to invite readers into storyworld experiences. The authors break down the ways focalization in comics is cued by features such as color, style, panel size and positioning, and genre—showing how these features regulate how readers access the experiences of characters and narrators.

Table of Contents

List of Illustrations

Preface: Focalization’s Action
Chapter 1. Experiencing Visual Storyworlds: Focalization in Comics
Chapter 2. Focalization, Experience, and What It’s Like
Chapter 3. Graphic Memoir
Chapter 4. Graphic Historiography
Chapter 5. Wordlessness
Chapter 6. Metafictionality
Conclusion: Putting Focalization in Perspective


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