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Boucher, Ian, ed. Humans and Paragons: Essays on Super-Hero Justice. Edwardsville: Sequart Research & Literacy Organization, 2017. 
Added by: joachim (5/1/21, 7:42 PM)   Last edited by: joachim (5/1/21, 7:55 PM)
Resource type: Book
Language: en: English
ID no. (ISBN etc.): 9781940589145
BibTeX citation key: Boucher2017
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Categories: General
Keywords: Collection of essays, Justice, Superhero, USA
Creators: Boucher
Publisher: Sequart Research & Literacy Organization (Edwardsville)
Views: 43/1033
Super-heroes, said to represent justice, have saturated popular culture at a time when the American criminal justice system is under intense public scrutiny and re-evaluation. Do the super-heroes we celebrate really represent the best we can be? How do the stories we tell ourselves about justice help society understand the endeavor of protecting citizens and making itself better?
In this book of essays, contributors from around the world explore these questions and more from many perspectives, encouraging a more conscious discussion about the most fundamental element of super-heroes.

Table of Contents

Ian Boucher: Introduction (1)
Paul Jaissle: Four-Color Morality (15)
Colby Pryor: Keeping the Wolves at Bay: How the Super-Hero Keeps the Wheel of Fortune from Turning (36)
John Loyd: Turtles on Trial: The Double Standards that Mutate Society (51)
Jaime Infante Ramírez: Those Blessed and Those Not Blessed: The Moral Positions in Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns (76)
Paul Jaissle: Defenders of the Status Quo (95)
Ross May: Super-Heroes: Threat of Menace? Why Super-Hero Justice Only Exists in Fiction (113)
Michael Siromski: Four Things You Always Wanted to Know about the Joker (but were too Afraid to Ask) (135)
Daniel N. Gullotta: Is the Truth Good Enough? Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight Trilogy and the Noble Lie in Justice and Politics (157)
Paul Jaissle: Must There Be Superman Movies? (174)
Rebecca Johnson: Shadows Prove the Sunshine (190)
Ian Boucher: Honing Our Senses: Remembering the Vibrancy of Super-Hero Justice (210)
Empowerment Through Their Shoes: Mark Waid on Super-Hero Justice (233)
The Personal, The Societal, and the Canonical: Gerard Jones on Super-Hero Justice (250)

About the Contributors (261)

Added by: joachim  Last edited by: joachim
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