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Alaoui, Fatima Zahrae Chrifi and Shadee Abdi. "Wakanda for everyone: An invitation to an African Muslim perspective of Black Panther." Review of Communication 20. (2020): 229–35. 
Added by: joachim (8/8/20, 4:16 PM)   Last edited by: joachim (8/8/20, 4:34 PM)
Resource type: Journal Article
Language: en: English
Peer reviewed
DOI: 10.1080/15358593.2020.1778073
BibTeX citation key: Alaoui2020
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Categories: General
Keywords: "Black Panther", Adaptation, Africa, Film adaptation, Interculturalism, Islam, Religion, Representation, Superhero, USA
Creators: Abdi, Alaoui
Collection: Review of Communication
Views: 35/2632
Black Panther's (2018) Afrofuturistic cultural footprint—left by the utopic, fictional African country of Wakanda and its new King, T'Challa/Black Panther—was significant not just for the superhero film genre, but also for the representation of Africa, Black femininity, Black identity, and a mighty and self-sustaining society unimpacted by war or colonization. While the film was praised for its character development, story, and celebration of Black identity, it is not without critique. Much of its success was linked through its impact on/for Black America, ignoring its transnational implications for Africans living throughout Africa and the African diaspora. While nearly half of the African continent practices Islam, the lack of Muslim representation, save for violent imagery, left many questioning the absence of a truly transnational and inclusive African story.
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