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Sussman, Henry. "Extraterrestial Kafka: Ahead to the Graphic Novel." Kafka’s Creatures. Animals, Hybrids, and Other Fantastic Beings. Eds. Marc Lucht and Donna Yarri. Lanham [etc.]: Lexington, 2010. 237–67. 
Added by: joachim (6/8/20, 7:35 PM)   Last edited by: joachim (6/8/20, 7:40 PM)
Resource type: Book Chapter
Language: en: English
BibTeX citation key: Sussman2010
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Categories: General
Keywords: "Julius Knipl", "Les Cités obscures", Architecture, Belgium, Benjamin. Walter, Deleuze. Gilles, Guattari. Félix, Kafka. Franz, Katchor. Ben, Literature, Peeters. Benoît, Schuiten. François, Space, USA
Creators: Lucht, Sussman, Yarri
Publisher: Lexington (Lanham [etc.])
Collection: Kafka’s Creatures. Animals, Hybrids, and Other Fantastic Beings
Views: 13/1096
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