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Roberts, Dan. Famous Robots and Cyborgs: An Encyclopedia of Robots from TV, Film, Literature, Comics, Toys, and More. New York: Skyhorse, 2014. 
Added by: joachim (3/2/20, 11:32 PM)   Last edited by: joachim (3/2/20, 11:38 PM)
Resource type: Book
Language: en: English
ID no. (ISBN etc.): 9781626363892
BibTeX citation key: Roberts2014
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Categories: General
Keywords: Encyclopedia, Science Fiction, Technology, Themes and motives
Creators: Roberts
Publisher: Skyhorse (New York)
Views: 33/1008
Famous Robots and Cyborgs is a high-octane voyage through the history of our metallic friends and foes. Dan Roberts narrates the history, strengths, weaknesses, quirks, and foibles of a plethora of fictional robots, cyborgs, and mechanical races, taking in the pronouncements of sci-fi visionaries and eminent robotics scientists along the way. Roberts guides us through the evolution of the deadly Cylons of Battlestar Gallactica in its various forms to movie classics like the mysterious Gort of The Day the Earth Stood Still, the iconic C-3PO, and of course the Terminator.
We encounter crazed cybernetic killers, megalomaniac computers, living spaceships, beautiful androids, human brains in metal bodies, and ultracompetitive robot gladiators. Along the way, find answers to such questions as: Are robots capable of love? Which were the least convincing and most laughable movie robots of all time? Can robots harm humans to save themselves? And can you really destroy a deadly cyborg assassin with the force of an exploding oil tanker?
Famous Robots and Cyborgs is a joyful, eclectic, informative, celebratory journey through the hi-tech world of the mechanical man (and woman).
Added by: joachim  
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