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Geraghty, Lincoln. Cult collectors: Nostalgia, fandom and collecting popular culture. London, New York: Routledge, 2014. 
Added by: joachim (6/17/19, 4:16 PM)   
Resource type: Book
Language: en: English
DOI: 10.4324/9780203130261
ID no. (ISBN etc.): 9780415617642
BibTeX citation key: Geraghty2014
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Categories: General
Keywords: Fandom, USA
Creators: Geraghty
Publisher: Routledge (London, New York)
Views: 10/929
Cult Collectors examines cultures of consumption and the fans who collect cult film and TV merchandise.
Author Lincoln Geraghty argues that there has been a change in the fan convention space, where collectible merchandise and toys, rather than just the fictional text, have become objects for trade, nostalgia, and a focal point for fans’ personal narratives. New technologies also add to this changing identity of cult fandom whereby popular websites such as eBay and ThinkGeek become cyber sites of memory and profit for cult fan communities.
The book opens with an analysis of the problematic representations of fans and fandom in film and television. Stereotypes of the fan and collector as portrayed in series such as The Big Bang Theory and films like The 40 Year Old Virgin are discussed alongside changes in consumption practices and the mainstreaming of cult media. Following this, theoretical chapters consider issues of gender, representation, nostalgia and the influence of social media. Finally, extended case study chapters examine in detail the connections between the fan community and the commodities bought and sold.

Topics discussed include:

  • The San Diego Comic-Con and the cult geographies of the fan convention
  • Hollywood memorabilia and collecting cinema history
  • The Star Wars franchise, merchandising and the adult collector
  • Online stores and the commercialisation of cult fandom
  • Mattel, Hasbro and nostalgia for animated eighties children’s television

Table of Contents

List of Illustrations (ix)
Acknowledgments (xi)

Introduction: Cult Collectors: Nostalgia, Fandom and Collecting (1)

I. Stereotypes (11)
1. Contesting Comic Book Guy: Stereotypes of the Nerd, Fan and Cult Collector in Film and Television (13)
2. Movie Magic: Collecting, Authenticity and the Enduring Fandom of Hollywood Memorabilia (32)

II. People (51)
3. Masculine Pursuits? Gender, Generation and the Fan Collector (53)
4. Repackaging Generation One: Genre, Memory and the Remediation of The Transformers in Contemporary Fan Culture (72)

III. Places (91)
5. From Convention Space to Fan Heterotopia: Popular Fandom and the Cult Geographies of the San Diego Comic-Con (93)
6. Playing with the Force: Fan Identity, Cultural Capital and Star Wars Toy Collecting (120)

IV. Spaces (139)
7. Trading on the Popular: Shops, Mega Stores, Online Spaces and the Culture of Fan Consumption (141)
8. (Re)Constructing Childhood Memories: Nostalgia, Narrative and the Expanded Worlds of Lego Fandom (162)

Conclusion: Collecting History, Collecting the Self (180)

Bibliography (186)
Filmography (197)
Index (202)

Added by: joachim  Last edited by: joachim
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