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Malavasi, Massimiliano. "Saint Seiya di Masami Kurumada: L’epica di fine millennio tra gli dei dell’Olimpo, gli insegnamenti del Budda, l’Inferno di Dante." Fictions 9. (2010): 121–46. 
Added by: joachim (5/31/17, 9:56 AM)   Last edited by: joachim (2/14/18, 11:59 AM)
Resource type: Journal Article
Language: it: italiano
Peer reviewed
DOI: 10.1400/138120
BibTeX citation key: Malavasi2010
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Categories: General
Keywords: "Divina Commedia", "Saint Seiya", Architecture, Buddhism, Classical antiquity, Dante, Intertextuality, Japan, Kurumada. Masami, Literature, Manga, Myth, Religion
Creators: Malavasi
Collection: Fictions
Views: 81/1447
This essay focuses on the cultural background of the popular manga Saint Seiya, by Masami Kurumada, a worldwide success. It focuses, in particular, on the motifs, both narrative and visual, the author drew from Greek mythology, Buddhist religion and Dante’s Inferno, and on the graphic representation of Greek and Latin architectural works, such as the Parthenon of Athens and the Temple of Poseidon in Cape Sounion. It concludes by theorizing features of modern popular epic.
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