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Edwards, Janis L. and Carol K. Winkler. "Representative form and the visual ideograph: The Iwo Jima image in editorial cartoons." Quarterly Journal of Speech 83. (1997): 289–310. 
Added by: joachim (3/23/17, 7:56 PM)   Last edited by: joachim (3/23/17, 8:00 PM)
Resource type: Journal Article
Language: en: English
Peer reviewed
DOI: 10.1080/00335639709384187
BibTeX citation key: Edwards1997
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Categories: General
Keywords: Caricature, Intermediality, Metaphor, Randformen des Comics, Rhetoric, USA
Creators: Edwards, Winkler
Collection: Quarterly Journal of Speech
Views: 29/1168
Much has been written about the iconic power of Joe Rosenthal’s 1945 photograph of the flag‐raising at Iwo Jima. This scholarship, however, insufficiently accounts for the rhetorical function of this image as it is appropriated in an unusual number of recent editorial cartoons. Building upon rhetorical theory addressing repetitive form and visual metaphor, we propose a concept of representative form. Exemplifying representative form, the parodied Iwo Jima image operates as an instance of depictive rhetoric that functions ideographically.
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