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Hayes, A. D. R. "Jesus as a superhero?." Theology 117. (2014): 100–06. 
Added by: joachim (7/3/16, 11:13 PM)   
Resource type: Journal Article
Language: en: English
Peer reviewed
DOI: 10.1177/0040571X13512963
BibTeX citation key: Hayes2014
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Categories: General
Keywords: Religion, Superhero
Creators: Hayes
Collection: Theology
Views: 13/416
Superhero narratives have abounded in popular culture in the last decade and evidence is emerging that this may be having an effect on the way that some churches talk about the person of Jesus. While this trend might be light hearted in tone it is no less dangerous to our theology. This article outlines some of the key differences between Jesus and superheroes by recalling the radicalness of Jesus’ own mission.
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