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Sasaki, Maana. "Gender Ambiguity and Liberation of Female Sexual Desire in Fantasy Spaces of Shojo Manga and the Shojo Subculture." Critical Theory and Social Justice 3. 1 2013. Accessed 20Aug. 2014. <>. 
Added by: joachim (8/20/14, 12:47 PM)   Last edited by: joachim (8/20/14, 12:48 PM)
Resource type: Web Article
Language: en: English
BibTeX citation key: Maana2013
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Categories: General
Keywords: "Life", Gender, Japan, Manga, Sexuality, Suenobu. Keiko, Youth culture
Creators: Sasaki
Collection: Critical Theory and Social Justice
Views: 8/835
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This essay examines Keiko Suenobu’s shojo manga sensation LIFE in the context of Japan’s cultural history of negotiated gender roles, female sexual desire, and alternative subjectivity. Teen female cutting emerges as a literal and figurative opening into a gendered contemporary version of Japan’s “Floating World” tradition, portraying scenes ranging from middle-class pleasure culture to interactive fantasy-scapes. Using evidence ranging from the earliest examples of manga’s graphic presentation of sexuality to gender regulation in the era of modernization to Western concepts of “lesbian panic,” this essay demonstrates how seemingly self-destructive behavior and teenage melancholy in these “young girl comics” challenges normative gender as well as heteronormative sexuality.
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