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McGee, Masani. "Big Men in Spangly Outfits: Spectacle and Masculinity in Joss Whedon’s The Avengers." Slayage 11.2/12.1 2014. Accessed 1May. 2015. <http://www.whedonstudie ... e_slayage_11.2-12.1.pdf>.   
Added by: joachim 5/1/15, 11:36 PM
McGee, Masani. "Hooked on the Wrong Kind of Feeling: Popular Music and Nostalgia in the Marvel Cinematic Universe." Assembling the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Essays on the Social, Cultural and Geopolitical Domains. Eds. Julian C. Chambliss, William Svitavsky and Daniel Fandino. Jefferson: McFarland, 2018. 116–26.   
Added by: Okwuchi Mba   Last edited by: joachim 3/8/19, 2:21 PM
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