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Calargé, Carla. "Monsters and Spectacles: A Lesson to Learn and Remember." European Comic Art 5. (2012): 23–44.   
Added by: joachim 1/9/13, 7:21 PM
Calargé, Carla and Alexandra Gueydan-Turek. "La guerre du Liban à/et l’écran des souvenirs dans Le Jeu des hirondelles et Je me souviens. Beyrouth de Zeina AbiRached." French Cultural Studies 25. (2014): 202–20.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 4/27/19, 8:09 PM
Calargé, Carla and Alexandra Gueydan-Turek. "De la fabrique du réel (apocalyptique) dans la bande dessinée Beyrouth Bye Bye … de Barrack Rima." International Journal of Francophone Studies 20. (2017): 57–72.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 3/29/21, 2:31 PM
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