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Shanower, Eric. "The Art of the Graphic Novel." ALAN Review 32. 2 2005. Accessed 2Oct. 2010. <http://scholar.lib.vt.e ... ALAN/v32n2/shanower.pdf>.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 9/14/20, 3:01 PM
Shanower, Eric. "Trojan Lovers and Warriors: The Power of Seduction in Age of Bronze." Seduction and Power. Antiquity in the Visual and Performing Arts. Eds. Silke Knippschild and Marta García Morcillo. New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2013. 57–70.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 12/1/20, 7:46 PM
WIKINDX 6.10.2 | Total resources: 14642 | Username: -- | Bibliography: WIKINDX Master Bibliography | Style: Modern Language Association (MLA)