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McEnteggart, Simon. "Sequelizing the Superhero: Postmillennial Anxiety and Cultural “Need”." Second Takes. Critical Approaches to the Film Sequel. Eds. Carolyn Jess-Cooke and Constantine Verevis. Horizons of Cinema. Albany: SUNY Pr. 2010. 171–89.   
Added by: joachim 5/9/10, 12:00 AM
Stein, Daniel. "Spoofin’ Spidey—Rebooting the Bat: Immersive Story Worlds and the Narrative Complexities of Video Spoofs in the Era of the Superhero Blockbuster." Film Remakes, Adaptations and Fan Productions. Remake/Remodel. Eds. Kathleen Loock and Constantine Verevis. New York [etc.]: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012. 231–47.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 2/10/23, 6:36 AM
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