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Agüera Santiago, Laura. "Superhero Representation in Netflix Produced Serial Fiction: The Case of Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Iron Fist and the Punisher." In a Stranger Field. Studies of Art, Audiovisuals and New Technologies in Fantasy, SciFi and Horror Genres. Eds. Mario-Paul Martínez Fabre and Fran Mateu. Elche: Fantaelx, 2019. 177–201.   
Added by: joachim 11/2/20, 1:27 PM
Torres Pastor, Claudia. "Fantasy manga as a reading motivational tool for primary education." In a Stranger Field. Studies of Art, Audiovisuals and New Technologies in Fantasy, SciFi and Horror Genres. Eds. Mario-Paul Martínez Fabre and Fran Mateu. Elche: Fantaelx, 2019. 66–96.   
Added by: joachim 11/3/20, 12:13 AM
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