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Hieronimus, Marc. "Hitler is fun: Sixty Years of Nazism in Humorous Comics." Monsters in the Mirror. Representations of Nazism in Post-War Popular Culture. Eds. Sara Buttsworth and Maartje Abbenhuis. Westport: Praeger, 2010. 75–100.   
Added by: Marc Hieronimus   Last edited by: Marc Hieronimus 2/11/11, 1:18 PM
McClelland-Nugent, Ruth. "Wonder Woman against the Nazis: Gendering Villainy in DC Comics." Monsters in the Mirror. Representations of Nazism in Post-War Popular Culture. Eds. Sara Buttsworth and Maartje Abbenhuis. Westport: Praeger, 2010. 131–53.   
Added by: joachim 2/12/11, 5:32 PM
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