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Abdel-Raheem, Ahmed. "The multimodal recycling machine: Toward a cognitive-pragmatic theory of the text/image production." Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics (2019). 
Added by: joachim (10/21/19, 5:51 PM)   Last edited by: joachim (4/2/23, 5:09 PM)
Resource type: Journal Article
Language: en: English
Peer reviewed
DOI: 10.1080/21504857.2019.1651358
BibTeX citation key: AbdelRaheem2019
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Categories: General
Keywords: Caricature, Cartoon (single panel), Cognition, Intermediality, Intertextuality, Language, Narratology
Creators: Abdel-Raheem
Collection: Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics
Views: 50/4493
This article investigates a ubiquitous phenomenon known as multimodal recycling, so called because cartoonists frequently recycle pictorial and compositional ideas they have developed earlier. This phenomenon, it is claimed, presupposes fundamental cognitive processes, like schematization, binding, and categorization. This means that cartoons can be seen as symbolic assemblies ranging widely along three main parameters: symbolic complexity, specificity (or conversely, schematicity), and conventionality. These schemas are abstracted from recycled cartoons, and once established as units they can serve as templates guiding the formation of novel cartoons on the same pattern, just as is the case in language structure. Here, two basic types of recycling are posited: same narrative and narrative-shifting. Such research will aid both political cartoon scholarship and cognition studies based on pictorial as well as multimodal stimuli.
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