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Field, Christopher B., et al., eds. “I’m Just a Comic Book Boy”: Essays on the Intersection of Comics and Punk. Jefferson: McFarland, 2019. 
Added by: joachim (5/22/19, 3:55 PM)   
Resource type: Book
Language: en: English
ID no. (ISBN etc.): 978-0-7864-9641-9
BibTeX citation key: Field2019
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Categories: General
Creators: Douglas, Field, Lannon, MacBride
Publisher: McFarland (Jefferson)
Views: 12/659
Comics and the punk movement are inextricably linked—each has a foundational do-it-yourself ethos and a nonconformist spirit defiant of authority. This collection of new essays provides for the first time a thorough analysis of the intersections between comics and punk. The contributors expand the discussion beyond the familiar U.S. and UK scenes to include the influence punk has had on comics produced in other countries, such as Spain and Turkey.

Table of Contents

Acknowledgments (v)
Introduction (1)

Part I: Punk Superhero Comics
Christopher B. Field: One Man Artistic Corps: Jack Kirby’s OMAC as Punk Precursor (19)
Jill Dahlman: Captain America: ­All-American Punk (29)

Part II: Vertigo Punk Comics
Spencer Chalifour: No Future: John Constantine, Hellblazer and the ’70s Punk Rocker in the 21st Century (49)
Jodie Childers: “I Hate It Here”: Spider Jerusalem as Punk ­Anti-Hero (61)
Keegan Lannon: 24-Hour Murder People: The Punk Iconography in Grant Morrison’s The Invisibles (75)
Russell Weber: Anarchy at the Alamo: The Creation of a 21st Century American ­Punk-Western in Garth Ennis and Steve Dillon’s Preacher (88)

Part III: Underground Punk Comics
Michael David MacBride: Aspiring Revolutionaries and “Petty” Conflicts: The Penis in the Punk Movement and Binky Brown (113)
Louie Dean and Valencia-García: Reinventing a Carnivalesque Public Sphere: (Re)imagining and (Re)drawing Madrid in the Long 1970s (134)
Can Yalçinkaya: Drawing Istanbul’s Asshole: Turkish Punk Comics (153)

Part IV: Punk Manga
Christopher C. Douglas: Bōsōzoku Motorcycle Gangs, the Bubble Economy and Psychic Children: Reaffirming Giri Through Ōtomo Katsuhiro’s Akira (1988) (171)
Alice Vernon: Schoolgirls and Sukeban: Representations of Punk Women in Contemporary Japanese Manga (188)
Francesco-Alessio Ursini: Punk Bodies and the “Do It Yourself” Philosophy (205)

About the Contributors (223)
Index (225)

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