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Levitz, Paul. Will Eisner: Champion of the Graphic Novel. New York: Abrams, 2015. 
Added by: joachim (8/25/15, 2:04 PM)   
Resource type: Book
Language: en: English
ID no. (ISBN etc.): 1-4197-1498-8
BibTeX citation key: Levitz2015
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Categories: General
Keywords: "A Contract with God", "The Spirit", Biography, Eisner. Will, Format, USA
Creators: Levitz
Publisher: Abrams (New York)
Views: 35/1382
Will Eisner (1917–2005) is universally considered the master of comics storytelling, best known for The Spirit, his iconic newspaper comic strip, and A Contract With God, the first significant graphic novel. This seminal work from 1978 ushered in a new era of personal stories in comics form that touched every adult topic from mortality to religion and sexuality, forever changing the way writers and artists approached comics storytelling. Noted historian Paul Levitz celebrates Eisner by showcasing his most famous work along­side unpublished and rare materials from the family archives. Also included are original interviews with creators such as Jules Feiffer, Art Spiegelman, Scott McCloud, Jeff Smith, Denis Kitchen, and Neil Gaiman—all of whom knew Eisner and were inspired by his work to create their own graphic novels for a new generation of readers.

Table of Contents (comments in brackets by the author, but not in ToC)

Brad Meltzer: Introduction (8)
Paul Levitz: Preface (10)

1. Overture  [youth through Eisner & Iger] (12)
2. The Spirit Rising [the Spirit thru his draft notice] (30)
3. The Spirit Unbound [army period through the end of the Spirit] (64)
4. Storytelling Business [his commercial work, beginning when he was in the army and thereafter] (88)
5. Reconnecting [with the comics world, through Feiffer, Kitchen and other events] (108)
6. Teach the World [his teaching career] (128)
7. Graphic Novels Are Coming! [an exploration of the evolution of the American graphic novel before Contract] (138)
8. An Inspiring Contract [Contract and its effect on the creative community, some of his subsequent graphic novels] (152)
9. Center Stage [the rest of his graphic novels, his activity with the Eisner Awards] (170)
10. Curtain Call [his passing, implications] (196)

Appendix.  Will Eisner and the Graphic Novel: The 2013 SDCC Panel [with Gaiman, Smith, McCloud, Kitchen and myself] (206)
Further reading: A Will Eisner Bibliography (216)
The Will Eisner Comic Book Industry Awards Best Graphic Album, 1988–2014 (217)
Index (218)

Added by: joachim  Last edited by: joachim
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