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Chapman, James. British Comics: A Cultural History. London: Reaktion Books, 2011.   
Added by: joachim 9/9/13, 3:24 PM
Helgason, Jón Karl. Echoes of Valhalla: The Afterlife of the Eddas and Sagas. trans. Jane Victoria Appleton. London: Reaktion Books, 2017.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 9/13/21, 4:00 PM
Scott, Clive. The Spoken Image: Photography and Language. London: Reaktion Books, 1999.   
Added by: joachim 3/10/12, 7:59 PM
Wagner, Peter. Reading Iconotexts: From Swift to the French Revolution. Picturing History. London: Reaktion Books, 1995.   
Added by: joachim 3/17/14, 6:56 PM
WIKINDX 6.10.2 | Total resources: 14670 | Username: -- | Bibliography: WIKINDX Master Bibliography | Style: Modern Language Association (MLA)